Definition and Example of a Retail Lender

A retail lender works directly with individual borrowers or retail customers to process their loan rather than working through institutions. Banks, credit card companies, and credit unions are all considered retail lenders. With retail loans, an employee of the lender—typically called a loan officer—obtains the loan, reviews the application from the borrower, and tracks the application through the closing process. In comparison, a wholesale lender underwrites loans for other lenders. Instead of working directly with the borrower, wholesale lenders offer loans through a third party, such as a bank, credit union, or mortgage lender. Understanding the difference between the two will help you identify the best choice for your situation. You can apply for many different types of retail loans. Personal loans, credit cards, and mortgages are all examples of retail lending products. When a soon-to-be college student applies for a student loan, that is also a form of retail loan.

How a Retail Lender Works

A retail lender offers loans to individuals and retail customers. Unlike wholesale lenders, a retail lender works directly with the borrower and is responsible for underwriting and servicing the loan in-house. Credit card companies, banks, and mortgage lenders are all good examples of retail lenders. Retail lenders offer a wide variety of loans, including mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, and personal loans. Retail loans can also refer to lending products offered directly to retailers, and these loans are designed for small business owners. For example, inventory loans are desirable for retailers that sell products. These loans can be used for working capital, equipment, advertising, or several other purposes.

Retail Lending vs. Wholesale Lending

In comparison, wholesale lenders don’t work directly with consumers. Instead, they underwrite loans for other lenders. If you applied for a mortgage, a mortgage broker would act as the third party. They would be responsible for working with multiple mortgage lenders to choose the right mortgage loan product for you. Wholesale lenders are responsible for underwriting the loans, locking in the rates, and funding the loan. Larger lenders will sometimes offer both retail and wholesale loans. Both types of lenders have their advantages, and it’s important to do your research to determine which is the best option for your situation.

What Retail Lending Means for You

If you’re considering applying for a loan with a retail lender, there are many advantages to consider.

Personalized Experience

Most retail lenders have loan officers that work directly with borrowers. These professionals will work with you closely to understand your situation and find the best loan terms for you. This is unique for retail lending, as compared to wholesale lending. With wholesale lenders, the third-party liaison (or mortgage broker, in the case of mortgages) will earn fees based on the loan amount. They may be driven by the terms of the agreement, meaning they won’t always choose the terms that are best for you.

Diverse Experience

Retail lenders have typically worked with a wide variety of customers and underwritten many different types of loans. In this case, you will often benefit from their knowledge and experience. Plus, they’ve likely dealt with many complex loan situations.

May Have Local Connections

If you choose to work with a local bank, your lender may have a number of connections within the community. That means they generally have many resources at their disposal that can help you during the loan process.