You’ll be able to be reimbursed throughout the year from this plan for any qualifying expenses. Keep in mind that you can only change your election if you have a qualifying life circumstance. Qualifying circumstances can include marriage, divorce, or a change in employment. Qualified benefits eligible for cafeteria plans include:

Health insurance premiums (excluding Archer medical savings accounts or long-term care insurance) Accident insurance Adoption expenses Dependent-care expenses Group term life insurance coverage Health savings accounts, including long-term care services Flexible spending accounts (FSA)

When an expense not covered by your health insurance comes up, you can use your cafeteria plan funds to pay for your expenses. Keep in mind, though, that you may lose any unused money you contribute to your plan. Make sure you know whether or not your money will roll over. Your employer should provide you with documents that detail the plan benefits and any rules or eligibility requirements you need to know about.

How Cafeteria Plans Offer a Tax Break

Cafeteria plans tend to reduce your tax liability because your money is taken out pretax. Although the take-home pay initially looks lower, if you’re going to need to cover health care costs or dependent care costs, you’ll end up saving money by using a cafeteria plan. “However, since they have to make the salary reduction election at the beginning of the year, an employee may be unaware of the tax benefits that he will have all through the year.”

Example of a Cafeteria Plan

A health care flexible spending account (FSA) is an example of a benefit offered under a cafeteria plan. A flexible spending arrangement is an employer-sponsored benefit that allows you to contribute pretax dollars to use for out-of-pocket medical or dependent care expenses. Let’s use a health FSA as an example. During open enrollment, you specify that you want to put $3,050 (the maximum amount allowed in 2023) in your FSA for the year. That amount will be divided by the number of pay periods, and a corresponding number will be withheld from the paycheck every pay period—$117.31 if you’re paid every two weeks. In the new plan year, the full amount you elected to withhold for the year is deposited into your account by the employer; the employer essentially fronts the account money for the next year. The money in this account is to be used only for qualified expenses and must only be used within the plan year. When you incur a qualified expense, you’ll submit proof of payment to the FSA account’s administrators. Reimbursement will come in the form of a check or direct deposit, depending on how your account was set up.

Do You Need a Cafeteria Plan?

The main benefit of a cafeteria plan is its power to lessen your tax burden by providing benefit accounts for health and dependent-care expenses. If you believe you’ll have medical or dependent-care expenses, putting money in this type of plan would most likely help you save. Determining how much money you want to set aside for the year can be a challenge—one you’ll want to discuss with your benefits administrator. For plans like FSAs, if you don’t use all the money, you’ll lose it, so a cafeteria plan may be a good choice for you if you know you have qualified expenses, and how much they usually cost each year.

How To Get a Cafeteria Plan

Cafeteria plans are available to employees, their spouses, and dependents. If your employer has one, you should be eligible to enroll when hired or during your employer’s open enrollment period. To find specifics about the program you’re interested in, you can visit your employer’s benefit website or ask your HR representative what might be available. Employers interested in setting up a cafeteria plan for their employees can begin by adopting a written plan document, making sure employees know their plan elections are irrevocable for the plan year, and satisfying nondiscrimination requirements for the benefits provided.