The fact is that uninsured motorists are an expensive proposition for both the state and their fellow drivers. The state government needs to collect revenue and keep drivers safe, and it does that through the penalties and fines you’ll likely incur if you’re caught driving without insurance in Georgia. If you plan on driving a car on a public road in Georgia, you need to have car insurance. It’s just not worth the risk to yourself, other drivers, or your wallet to do otherwise.

Georgia State Law Requirements

Different states have different car insurance requirements. If you own or lease a vehicle, you’re required to have auto insurance in Georgia. Like most states, there is a strict requirement for you to maintain your coverage at all times.  The general rule in Georgia is simple—all vehicle owners and lessees in the state are required to maintain continuous mandatory liability insurance on their vehicles to legally drive, register their vehicles, and obtain, renew, and replace their license plates. The important word here is “continuous.” That means that any lapse in coverage can lead to severe penalties. The Georgia DMV will know if your insurance has lapsed because insurers are required by law to electronically inform the DMV of any terminations, additions, or deletions to your policy. Additionally, Georgia drivers must carry an insurer-issued policy information card with them at all times while driving. Failure to have your card with you when operating your vehicle can also result in penalties, so it’s a good idea to keep your insurance card on you at all times.

A Simple Car Insurance Lapse

What are the penalties for a simple lapse in coverage? They’re relatively mild. If your insurance is terminated or expired, your carrier will electronically notify the DMV. You will have 30 days from the date of expiration to provide proof of new insurance. If proof is received within that 30 days, and there was no lapse in coverage, you’re good to go. A lapse is defined as 10 or more days of no insurance coverage. If proof of insurance is received within 30 days, but there has been a lapse in coverage, you must pay a $25 lapse fee. Be careful, though. If your insurance expires and you don’t provide proof of insurance within 30 days, the DMV will send you a notice of pending suspension. If proof of insurance isn’t provided during this second 30-day period, your vehicle’s registration will be suspended. Remember, it’s a misdemeanor to drive with a suspended registration. To get the suspension lifted at that point, you’ll have to provide proof of insurance, and pay the $25 lapse fee and an additional $60 reinstatement fee. Of course, if you are no longer driving you do not need to own insurance, and you should immediately cancel the policy and vehicle registration of the car for which the insurance policy is no longer needed.

Driving Without Insurance in Georgia

First and foremost, if you’re caught driving without current valid insurance in Georgia, you will be charged with a misdemeanor, and it will remain on your record permanently. Additionally, you will have to appear in court and pay a fine of $200 to $1,000. To top it off, your license will be suspended for 60 to 90 days. That means no driving at all. It’s also possible, although unlikely, that you will receive jail time of up to 12 months. While jail time is usually reserved for repeat offenders who will also face steeper fines and longer suspensions, you run the risk any time you get behind the wheel in Georgia without car insurance.

The Biggest Penalty of All

Although the penalties for driving without insurance are serious, the consequences could be severe if you’re in an accident. If you’re in an accident for which you are liable and don’t have insurance, you may be taken to civil court. This could lead to financial damages that could cost you the assets you have spent a lifetime accumulating, including your home and savings.