For example, event planners need management skills to orchestrate events, secretaries need management skills to manage office processes, and benefits specialists need them to organize information sessions for employees.

What Are Management Skills?

Management skills are applied to a broad array of functions in areas like production, finance, accounting, marketing, and human resources. Common components of management in different arenas include: selection, supervision, motivation and evaluation of staff, scheduling and planning of workflow, developing policies and procedures, measuring and documenting results for a group or department, solving problems, developing and monitoring budgets and expenditures, staying abreast of trends in the field, collaborating with other staff and departments, and leading and motivating employees.

Types of Management Skills

Most management skills are related to six fundamental functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, leadership, and oversight.


Individual managers may or may not be personally involved in drafting company policy and strategy, but even those who aren’t still must be able to plan. You might be given certain objectives and then be responsible for developing ways to meet those objectives. You may need to adjust or adapt someone else’s plan to new circumstances. In either case, you’ll have to understand what your resources are, develop timetables and budgets, and assign tasks and areas of responsibility. Planning programs for professional societies is another way to develop and document planning abilities. Mastering planning software, like NetSuite OpenAir, and project management software, like Workfront, can prove that you’re able to tap technology that’s instrumental to sound planning. College students should take on leadership positions with campus organizations to hone their planning skills.

Analyzing Business ProblemsAnalyzing ExpendituresCritical ThinkingDevising Plans for New BusinessDevelopment, EntrepreneurialismIdentifying the Interests and Preferences of StakeholdersMicrosoft Office,Proposing Solutions to Business ProblemsProblem SolvingResearch, Qualitative SkillsStrategic PlanningStrategic ThinkingTapping Information Technology to Facilitate Decision MakingWriting Proposals for Business Initiatives or Projects, VisionProject ManagementUtilizing Planning Software


Organizing generally means creating structures to support or accomplish a plan. This might involve creating a new system of who reports to whom, designing a new layout for the office, planning a conference or event, building a strategy and planning around how to move through a project, or determining how to move toward deadlines or how to measure milestones. Aspects of organization could also mean helping leaders under your guidance to manage their subordinates well. Identify processes, procedures, or events related to your department that could be improved, and demonstrate that you can re-design processes to create greater efficiency or enhance quality. Document procedures in a manual or spreadsheet for future use.

Accuracy Administrative Analytical Ability Assessing Factors Impacting Productivity Business Storytelling Framing Communication Toward Specific Audiences Innovation Logical Thinking Logistics Negotiating Networking Persuasion Presentation Public Speaking Suggesting Ways to Enhance Productivity Technical Knowledge Technology Time Management


The best managers are typically inspirational and effective leaders. They set the tone for their areas by demonstrating—through their actions—norms for staff behavior. Clear communication of goals and expectations is also vital. Good leaders seek input from all stakeholders and recognize the contributions of other team members, and they give credit where credit is due. Good leaders draw consensus on group plans whenever feasible, and they delegate strategically to the best-qualified staff. Develop leadership skills by volunteering to run point on projects. College students should volunteer to take on a leadership role with group projects, sports teams, and student organizations.

DelegationPresentationHumilityNetworkingConfidenceHigh EnergyClear CommunicationWritingBudgetingMotivating OthersProblem SolvingPersuasionEvaluating TalentSupervisionCharismaIntegrityPassion for WorkNetworking


Managers must know what is happening, what needs to happen, and who and what are available to accomplish assigned tasks. If someone is miscommunicating, if someone needs help, or if a problem is being overlooked or a resource underutilized, a manager needs to notice and correct the issue. Coordinating is the skill that lets the organization act as a unified whole. Coordination across departments and functions is also essential to a well-run organization that presents a unified face to constituents. Develop a solid team orientation by close communication and cooperation with co-workers. Seek out opportunities to collaborate with other staff and departments.

Adaptability Adapting to Changing Business Conditions Building Productive Relationships Collaboration Communication Drawing Consensus Diplomacy Emotional Intelligence Empathy Facilitating Group Discussions Flexibility Honesty Influencing Listening Nonverbal Communication Patience Punctuality Relationship Building Scheduling Screening Applicants for Jobs, Staffing Tactfulness Teaching Team Building Team Manager Team Player Teamwork Time Management

Directing and Oversight

Directing is the part where you take charge and delegate (tell people what to do), give orders, and make decisions. Someone has to do it, and that someone could be you. It might include anything from reviewing business models and checking for inefficiencies to checking to make sure a project is on time and on budget. Oversight is the maintenance phase of management.

Achieving Goals, Assessing Progress Towards Departmental Goals Conflict Management Creating Budgets for Business Units Creating Financial Reports Conflict Resolution Decision Making Delegation Delivering Presentations Division of Work Empowerment Engagement Evaluating Job Candidates Evaluating Employee Performance Execution Focus, Goal Orientation Goal Setting Hiring Interacting with Individuals from Diverse Backgrounds Interpersonal Interpreting Financial Data Interviewing Candidates for Jobs Leadership Motivation Overcoming Obstacles Productivity Problem Solving Professionalism Providing Constructive Criticism Recommending Cost-Cutting Measures Recommending Process Improvements Responding Favorably to Criticism Responsibility Training Employees Verbal Communication

Management Skills List

The following is a comprehensive list of management skills to use in resumes, job applications, cover letters, and during job interviews.

Accuracy Achieving Goals Adaptability Administrative Analytical Ability Assertiveness Budget Management Business Management Business Storytelling Collaboration Communication Conflict Management Conflict Resolution Coordination Critical Thinking Decision Making Delegation Development Diplomacy Discipline Division of Work Dynamic Emotional Intelligence Empathy Empowerment Energetic Engagement Execution Facilitating Finance Financial Management Flexibility Focus Genuine Goal-oriented Goal Setting Hiring Honesty Influencing Innovation Interpersonal Leadership Legal Listening Logical Thinking Logistics Microsoft Office Motivation Negotiating Networking Nonverbal Communication Obstacle Removal Organizing Patience Persuasion Planning Presentation Productivity Problem Solving Professionalism Product Management Project Management Process Management Public Speaking Punctuality Research Responsibility Qualitative Skills Sales Scheduling Staffing Strategic Planning Strategic Thinking Success Tactfulness Teaching Team Building Team Manager Team Player Teamwork Technical Knowledge Technology Time Management Training Uncertainty Removal Writing Verbal Communication Vision

Review Resume and Cover Letter Samples

Management Cover Letter Examples Management Resume Examples

ADD RELEVANT SKILLS TO YOUR RESUME: Use the skills terms listed in this article to lead off statements describing tasks in your work descriptions or to create a skills section. Whenever possible, emphasize results that you helped achieve that point to effective leadership and management. Quantify results whenever you can. Cite recognition by others that showed you were respected as an effective leader, such as through awards, selection for key roles, promotions, and raises. HIGHLIGHT SKILLS IN YOUR COVER LETTER: Emphasize how you used management skills to create value in various roles. Incorporate short statements pointing to key skills and results produced. USE SKILL WORDS DURING JOB INTERVIEWS: Keep the top skills listed here in mind during your interview, and be prepared to give examples of how you’ve exemplified each. Each job will require different skills and experiences, so make sure you read the job description carefully, and focus on the skills listed by the employer. Prepare stories and anecdotes that demonstrate how you applied these skills to the benefit of affiliated organizations.