Benefits of Using Quicken Bill Manager

Useful services and features of Quicken Bill Manager include:

The software is compatible with hundreds of payees. Email notifications get sent to you when bills arrive. Payments made online get automatically transferred into Quicken desktop software. Repeating bill payments allow for both variable and fixed monthly amounts. Details for each bill can be viewed within the software. Bills can be paid from within Quicken software or directly from the Quicken Bill Manager website. You can pay from up to 10 accounts at multiple banks. Quicken Bill Manager offers an on-time payment guarantee and will pay late fees up to $50 if a bill is paid late.

Using the Bill Manager Service

Quicken Bill Manager has a simple set-up process, and bills can be paid using any U.S. checking account. The site stores payee details such as account numbers and other information for you, so you just need to enter amounts and schedule the payments. You can process payments immediately as you enter them, or schedule them for future dates. You can also set your recurring payments to process automatically every month.

Setting Up Quicken Bill Manager

Setting up Quicken Bill Manager requires personal information that you’ll want to gather beforehand. Required information includes checking account details and social security numbers. To get started, visit the Quicken Bill Manager website. From there, existing Quicken users can click “Already have Quicken?” and brand new users can click “Get Quicken now.” Complete the registration form, and you’ll be ready to set up your accounts. This process can also be started through Quicken software.

Adding Your List of Payees

A payee in Quicken Bill Manager means any company, service, or individual you’ll be paying through the service. A payee can be a utility company, for example, or a bank for your mortgage loan, or your landlord. When setting up payees, you will provide basic information about the individuals or the businesses you’ll be paying, such as their payment address and account number. Quicken saves this information in your payee list, so you can make payments to payees again in the future without having to re-enter the information. Set up payees by following these steps: After this initial setup, the site will add a new payee to your payee list. From then on, you only need to select the payee from your list.