There are many ways to compose a three-fund portfolio. Using exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is a solid way for investors to start, since they tend to be diverse and stable. In this guide, find out how to make and maintain a three-fund ETF portfolio.

What Are three-Fund ETF Portfolios?

The three-fund ETF portfolio strategy follows the same format as the more broad three-fund portfolio. It allocates stock and bond investments among three types of exchange-traded funds: a total U.S. stock market index fund, a total U.S. bond market index fund, and a world stock market fund (without U.S. investments). ETFs are a cost-effective way to invest in many different stocks, bonds, and other assets. When you invest in an ETF, you are putting your money into a basket of securities that are traded on exchanges like the NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange. All ETFs have the following traits:

They are liquid, just like stocks.They typically have very low expenses.They are transparent, meaning their stats on pricing and other figures are out there for all to see, and holdings are published daily.

Depending on the ETFs you choose, a three-fund ETF portfolio could provide you with ownership of thousands of individual worldwide securities. It is up to you how you will select the specific funds and how they are allocated within your portfolio. Such choices depend on your own investing preferences, time horizon, and risk tolerance.

Building a three-Fund ETF Portfolio

You can begin your investment plan by thinking about asset allocation and where the assets will be located. Decide how much of your portfolio you want to put in each ETF, based on your risk tolerance.

Understanding Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is how a portfolio is divided up across stocks, bonds, cash, and other types of investments to best manage your level of risk. Some types of assets come with greater risk than others, so you can control how much risk your fund will take on by putting more weight on particular assets. You should also think about the time span of your fund. Some assets are better suited for steady long-term growth, while others may be more liquid for short-term needs. The way you allocate your funds should be compatible with your financial goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance. The table below is a sample of what a three-fund ETF portfolio and returns might look like. If you are early in your career, the chances are that most of your savings are in your employer’s retirement plan. If you are further along in your career, you may also have money in a taxable account, like a brokerage account, or in a tax-deferred account. In that case, you can decide where to invest your money to yield the best results.

Rebalancing Your Portfolio

Rebalancing means moving money among the funds to maintain your desired asset allocation. This is a useful tactic, since your allocation will likely change over time as you build capital and move through your career. For instance, suppose you start with a $10,000 portfolio and invest 50% in a stock fund and 50% in a bond fund. After the second year, the portfolio grows to $12,000, and the allocation becomes 55% stocks and 45% bonds. To return to the original 50/50 allocation, you need only sell $600 of the stock fund and use it to buy $600 worth of bonds.

The Benefits of a Three-Fund ETF Portfolio

Three-fund ETFs portfolios have many features that make them attractive to investors seeking returns and stable growth, such as:

They are less costly than other portfolio builds.They lessen foreign investment risks.Contributions and withdrawals are simple.Holding fewer funds make it easier to rebalance.

Since each of the three ETFs may hold thousands of different domestic and international securities, your fund will be very diverse. A highly diversified portfolio reduces risk without sacrificing too much return, especially when adding international and foreign investments. The costs that come with ETFs are close to one-third of the average cost of a mutual fund. If you were to build a three-fund portfolio from mutual funds, you’d likely pay three times as much in fees as you would for an ETF-based portfolio. Less asset movement within the portfolio, combined with much lower fees, means that you keep more of your capital invested. That will increase the value of your portfolio by that much more.