It could be a vacation, a fat emergency fund, or getting out of debt. Now, remind yourself of this goal each time you feel tempted to blow money on a non-essential. Then, take the money you would have blown and put it towards your goal. Before long, you’ll be sunning yourself on a tropical shore or sitting on top of a mound of money. Who knew breaking bad habits could be so rewarding? If it’s a want, spend some time weighing the impact of your purchase. What will these shoes do for you? Will they make you happy? Fill a hole in your wardrobe? Can you afford to buy them? Is there something else that you want more? Be honest about how your purchase will impact your life, and then decide if that want is worth the asking price. Jot down everything you need from the store, then only shop for the items that are on your list. If you are tempted by something extra, make a note to add it to your next shopping list. Just remember: When the money’s gone, the spending stops. No exceptions. This downtime will give you time to decide whether you need and can afford the object of your affection. Are you still smitten after 24 hours? Then go back to the store and buy it. Or, go ahead and shop alone, but call your friend whenever you find yourself worked into a shopping frenzy. Otherwise, grab a shopping basket or carry your items. You’ll be less tempted to shop when you don’t have anywhere to put your selections. Make out your shopping list and hand it off to someone you trust. You won’t be able to add impulse items if you’re sitting at home. Keep editing your selections until you feel good about them. Then check out with a clear conscience.