You earn a capital gain when you sell a stock for more than you originally bought it for. If you sell a stock at a price that is lower, you net a capital loss, and you might be able to use that loss to reduce your taxable income for the year. You might also carry the loss forward to the next tax year to offset any capital gains you make then. Here’s what you need to know about selling stocks and taxes.

Selling a Stock and Earning a Capital Gain

Subtract the amount you paid for the shares from the amount you sold them for. The difference is your capital gain. For example, if you bought 10 shares of ABC Company’s stock for $1,000, then sold them a year later for $1,500, you’d have earned a capital gain of $500. Capital gains don’t just apply to stocks. You can earn a capital gain on pretty much any asset you sell for more than you paid for it, although there may be limits for how and when you have to pay taxes on the capital gains depending on the asset.

Short- vs. Long-Term Capital Gains and Taxes

If you owned the stock for less than a year before you sold it, it’s considered a short-term capital gain and you will be taxed on it at the same rate as your income. So, your short-term gain tax rate corresponds to your income tax rate for your bracket. If you owned the stock for more than one year, you pay a long-term capital gains tax that’s usually a lower rate than your income tax rate. In most cases, individuals pay a 15% capital gains tax, but there’s also a 0% and 20% tax rate—it all depends on your taxable income.

Selling Stocks and Capital Losses

If you sold stocks for less than you paid to buy them, you have a capital loss. You can use capital losses to help offset capital gains through what is known as tax-loss harvesting. You must first use them against the same type of gain: So if you had a short-term capital loss, you must first use it against a short-term capital gain. Then, you may use it against a long-term capital gain. You can also claim a capital loss on your taxes to subtract as much as $3,000 from your ordinary taxable income for that year. Any unused losses can be carried forward to offset capital gains in future years or used to offset up to $3,000 ($1,500 if married filing separately) of ordinary income in subsequent years. Sometimes, it’s wise to intentionally take a capital loss on an investment to help offset a large capital gain during that same year. This strategy is known as tax-loss harvesting.

A Prohibited Wash Sale

The IRS will not allow you to buy the same or identical securities either 30 days before or 30 days after you sold them to harvest a capital tax loss. The IRS prohibits you from using that loss on your taxes because it considers the sale to have been a wash sale that you did only to save on your taxes.

Preparing for Your Tax Bill

When you sell stocks for a profit, it is important to set aside the money you will need to cover your tax bill. Keep in mind that your tax bracket may go up because of your stock-market profits; capital gains are included in your adjusted gross income for tax purposes. If you are concerned about your tax situation and how much you will owe this tax season, consider hiring an accountant or working with a tax professional. An accountant not only can help you determine the best way to lower your tax bill, but they can help you figure out what your expected tax bill might be, so you can better plan financially.