In order to do so, it’s important to learn about the differences between individual and professional seller account plans, common problems sellers run into and how to overcome them, as well as tips for new sellers to succeed.

Individual Seller vs. Professional Seller Plans

Here is a comparison list highlighting the similarities and differences between individual and professional sellers.  The professional seller plan is designed for individual sellers who expect a higher volume of sales and wish to successfully manage orders with the help of some additional features and tools that the professional plan includes. For example, if you make over 40 sales per month, it makes more sense financially to pay the flat $39.99 per month fee than it would to continue paying 99 cents per item sold. 

Incentivized Reviews

Strict Return Guidelines

Build Customer Awareness and Loyalty

Be Competitive With Pricing

Manual repricing based on day-to-day market changes only makes sense for smaller inventories. 

Make the Most of the Tools Available to You

However, even individual seller accounts have access to tools to help visualize their business’s current stage and future growth. Try out some data analytics and optimization software tools like Datahawk, Sellonaut, or Helloprofit to get a clear picture of what’s working, what isn’t, and where to go from there. 

The Bottom Line