As with nearly all things job search-related, a little preparation is a good idea. Plan to arrive at a job fair with a list of questions you can ask recruiters. In addition, take the time to prepare a brief elevator pitch so you’re prepared to introduce yourself to recruiters as you make your way around the room.

How To Prepare To Attend a Job Fair

Before you attend a job fair, review these tips for attending a job fair, including what to wear, when to arrive, and how to follow up afterward. Make sure you have several copies of your resume to share with company representatives. If you have business cards, you can bring those as well. 

 Best Questions To Ask at Career Fairs 

By asking informed questions that subtly convey your skills and experience, you will increase your chances of impressing recruiters and landing an interview. It’ll likely be clear when you should ask questions at a job fair. For instance, in a one-on-one conversation with a recruiter, the recruiter may ask if you have questions. Alternatively, you can look for ways to ask them as part of the natural conversational flow.  During group sessions—whether in person or virtual—it’s generally best to wait until the person giving the presentation invites questions. Then, keep your questions general rather than specific to your situation. You may be asked to share questions over chat, or there may be an opportunity for you to ask your question on video. Here are some goals you may have when talking to recruiters and some questions you might ask to achieve them. 

Demonstrate Your Interest in the Company

“What do you think about X?”

Research a few attending companies ahead of time that you’d consider working for. Select one positive trend and mention it to the recruiter. Ask for their opinion on the development. Then offer your own (brief) opinion on how the trend might benefit the company. This will demonstrate to the recruiter that you are knowledgeable about the company and its successes.

“What is the typical five-year (or 10-year) trajectory for someone in X position?”

This question will demonstrate your interest in staying with the company for a long time. Recruiters typically like this; they do not want to hire people who will only stay for a year or two.  This question not only shows your interest in staying with the company, but it also shows that you’re looking for opportunities for advancement within the organization.

Demonstrate Your Qualifications

“What skills do you look for most in a candidate for X position?”

Research the company website and, if possible, look up the description of the position for which you want to apply. This will give you an idea of the skills and qualifications the employer is looking for in a candidate. If you see that you’re a good fit for the job, you should ask the recruiter this question. Then, pick one or two skills they mention, and provide a quick example of how a past job or experience has given you that specific skill.

“What sort of educational background do you look for in a candidate?”

Once again, look up the description of the job for which you want to apply (or look up employee bios on the company’s site) for an idea of the ideal educational background of people with that job. If your education fits the company’s needs, you can ask the recruiter this question and then explain how you’re a perfect fit.  TIP: If you’ve won any accolades as a student that relate to the skills of the job, you could mention these and even point them out on your resume.

Learn More About the Company

“What is one of the biggest challenges of the job?”

The answer to this question will help you determine whether your skill set and your personality are a good fit for the position. For example, if the recruiter says that one challenge is the very competitive nature of the employees, and you’re not a competitive person, you might not want to work at that company.  This question also offers you a chance to demonstrate your skills once again. If the recruiter mentions a challenge you have experience dealing with, you can provide an example of a time when you thrived in a similar challenge.

“How would you describe the company culture?”

It’s not easy to learn about a company’s culture unless you’ve worked there for a while, but recruiters can offer you a sense of what the culture is like.  If the culture does not sound like one in which you’d thrive, think twice about applying for the position. But if the atmosphere sounds ideal for you, say so. For example, if the recruiter says it’s a very communal, supportive atmosphere, you might say that that is the type of environment in which you do your best work and provide an example of such a time in your past work history.

“What do you like most about your job at X company?”

If the recruiter struggles to answer this question, it might be a sign that it’s not an ideal place to work. This question will also allow you to connect with the recruiter on a more personal level and might help you leave a stronger impression.

More Questions for Professionals To Ask

What entry-level positions are available in your company?Does your company offer any internships or training programs?I went online and filled out your application for the X position. What else might I do to demonstrate that I’m a qualified candidate for an interview?How long is the application and interview process, and what does it consist of?How would you describe a typical day at X position?How does the company measure performance for X position? What are the company’s systems for feedback?What percentage of time is typically devoted to each of the responsibilities of this position?What is the balance between teamwork and individual work at X position?What training or education programs, if any, does the company offer employees?

More Questions for Students To Ask

What courses would best prepare me for your entry-level positions?Are there any student organizations or activities that would be beneficial in preparing for a position at your company?My major is X. What positions at your company would be a good option for someone with my educational background? 

Concluding Questions

“May I contact you with further questions? Do you have a business card?”

These questions allow you to establish contact with someone at the company. Be sure to get the person’s business card or contact information. Follow up with a thank you letter or email, reminding them of who you are, where you met, and your qualifications. It will help you make a lasting impression.

Questions To Avoid

“So, what does your company do?”

Avoid asking questions that demonstrate your lack of research into the company; do not ask any questions that could be easily found online. These questions imply your lack of interest and your unwillingness to put in the work to get to know their company.

“How much will I be paid? How much vacation time will I get?”

You have not been offered the job yet, so don’t act as if you have it. Questions regarding pay and benefits are for after you’ve been offered a job.You don’t want to appear as if all you care about is money and vacation days. If you ask these questions at the job fair, you will come across as cocky and unmotivated. Also, stay away from asking any questions that draw attention to something negative on your resume, such as a gap in your employment history, being laid off or fired, or any criminal record. These things do not need to be addressed this early in the job search stage.